
ANC keeps 2, 8 million scholars from receiving university admission

The ANC Government has kept more than 2, 8 million scholars from receiving a university education in the past five years. This sum indicates the amount of learners who did not receive university admission.

In 2015 a meagre 20% of learners received university admission. The poor pass rate further indicates that the power-crazy ANC is destroying the future of young people in South Africa. AfriForum Youth is of the opinion that community control is the only solution since the state is incapable of managing the education system.

“It’s very important that the community participates in governing body elections and activities in order to ensure better quality control at state schools,” said Ian Cameron, spokesperson for AfriForum Youth.

AfriForum Youth is of the opinion that if communities have more control over their local schools, the quality of education will increase along with the pass rate. It will also promote parents’ involvement at schools.

Comments made by Pres. Jacob Zuma, who failed to complete matric himself, that unsuccessful matric learners should be supported since there are many other opportunities clearly indicates the State’s lack of vision and knowledge to find solutions to the problem,” Cameron said.