
AfriForum Youth and UFS students march for student interests

AfriForum Youth at UFS and students held a march to promote healthy student traditions, student life and residences at the University of the Free State. During the march a petition with 1600 signatures and a cover letter were handed to Mr Rudi Buys, Student Dean.

“Students feel that they are not heard. We request that students be given the right to state that they face problems and that they be taken into account in decisions which affect them,” said Willie de Waal, Chair of AfriForum Youth at UFS.

The petition was started two months ago by this branch of AfriForum Youth to garner support from students. The students demonstrated their disillusionment during the march and gave their support wholeheartedly.

“After it became clear from various media sources and student complaints that healthy student traditions, student life and the survival of residences were at issue, AfriForum Youth called the march. It is crucial that students stand up for what they believe in,” said Henk Maree, Chair of AfriForum Youth.