AfriForum Youth to subpoena Kovsies Rector
AfriForum Youth has given their legal team instructions to go ahead with the compiling and serving of a subpoena against the Rector of the University of the Free State (UFS), Prof Jonathan Jansen and the UFS.
The youth organisation is aiding two former students, Cobus Muller and Charl Blom in a case of defamation and procedural unfairness. The former students are claiming compensation of R1 million from Prof Jansen and the UFS.
“We received a letter from the attorneys of the UFS and Prof Jansen on Friday in which they deny any accountability. We are therefore going ahead with the summons,” Henk Maree, National Chairman of AfriForum Youth, said.
Muller and Blom were accused and acquitted of murder last year by the Court and the South African Human Rights Commission. They were barred from campus without procedure or trial and never given an opportunity to state their case.