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AfriForum Youth protest sends clear message: BELA is bad

AfriForum Youth today protested once again against the adoption of the Basic Education Laws Amendment Bill (BELA). The youth organisation put posters with slogans such as “Afrikaans schools is our right” and “BELA is bad” on the fence of the Department of Basic Education’s offices in Pretoria where they could be clearly seen.

The youth organisation expressed strong concern about the real risks this bill poses for Afrikaans education, as the BELA bill still places the power to change schools’ language policy in the hands of provincial heads of education. Although the latest amendments now give school governing bodies the initial decision on schools’ language and admissions policy, final approval still rests with the provincial head of education. These amendments therefore do little to allay concerns about political interference.

According to Louis Boshoff, spokesperson for AfriForum Youth, a bill can not only be judged by its motives, but all possible applications must be considered before it is approved. “Regardless of the intentions of the current heads of education, BELA offers the opportunity for someone with ill intentions to deal a tremendous blow to Afrikaans in public schools, and we cannot let this continue without opposition.”

Although the adoption of the bill currently rests with parliament, AfriForum Youth is convinced that the Department of Education – which is the ultimate implementer of the law –  must take a stand against it. That is why the youth organisation decided to take their stand at the department’s head office.

“The battle against BELA is ultimately a battle for the preservation of Afrikaans,” concludes Boshoff.